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Nowadays, the emphasis is on designing a clean and simple web interface that enhances user experience. Modern day websites utilize different design elements to achieve this goal. Our aim here will be to explore few of the main elements of modern website design.

If you are planning to design and develop your website then it will be important to include many of these design elements to make your website more appealing and user-friendly..

9 Important Elements of Modern Web Design

Element #1: Strong Color Palette

When any website is designed, it is important for a creative agency to pay attention to color usage and scheme. Selection of right colors will help in enhancing cohesiveness between elements on the website. However, if a lot of colors are used then it will result in visual distraction. As such, it is better to decide upon two or a maximum of three colors so that it is easier for users to focus. You can also utilize different shades of the same color to make things look interesting.

Element #2: Enough White Space

There should be enough empty space or negative space between all the design elements on your website otherwise the design will look crowded and directing attention of users will become difficult. Use of ample white space will also let visitor easily navigate through your pages.

Element #3: Faster Loading Pages

Optimization of website to reduce its loading time is an important aspect that any web design agency should look into. Due to availability of fast internet connections, people expect websites to load quickly (like within 3 seconds) and if it doesn’t, then it is certain they would immediately leave your site.

Few of the things you can do to reduce page load time are:

§ Optimize images used on the website

§ Enable compression for web pages

§ Utilize faster hosting service

§ Minify JS and CSS files

Element #4: Background Videos

You will find many modern day websites with videos that run in the background and help in telling a story. At the same time, such videos considerably cut down the amount of content that you need to add for explaining what you do.

These videos start running as soon as the page loads and help users understand the main features of your business without the need to go through bulky text. Moreover, videos are processed at a faster rate by our brains compared to written content, making it easier to comprehend message you want to deliver.

Element #5: Hamburger Menus

Many websites we browse have very long menus that list the options you can choose from. The negative aspect of such menus is that they usually take up a lot of space on the web page.

Thus, the trend has now shifted towards use of hamburger menus. Hamburger menus consist of three stacked lines and commonly appear on the right side of the screen. The main benefit of hamburger menu is that it removes busy navigation to provide distraction free and cleaner experience to visitors.

Element #6: HeroImages

Another of the recent design trends involves use of hero images. The benefit of these hero images is that they help in developing striking visual experience, easily grab attention, and compel visitors to scroll down and read more.These hero images can also be overlaid with textual content to convey the message you want to deliver to your visitors.

Element #7: Large Typography

In recent times the trend is shifting towards use of large typography so that the content is easy to read. Even if you have the most compelling content, if it is hard to read the same then it will be of no use. Earlier font of 12px was common but now the trend is to utilize 16px for typography so that the content is clearly visible.

A web design agency can also utilize typography to take readers to a particular section on the page. When used properly, right typography clearly indicates the type of business you have. For instance, it can tell whether tone of the content is serious or fun and whether the website is informational or functional.

Element #8: Card Design

This is one of the design elements that has become quite prominent in recent times, specially for websites that sell a product and rely more on visuals. The card design helps in showcasing products in a much better manner. Similar to Pinterest, when you utilize card design, it helps in displaying products next to one another and help in creating a cleaner user experience.

In this type of design, you creative agency would be showing products in the form of cards and each card will tell more about a particular product. If the aim is to show multiple products on a single page then card design proves to be the right option.

Element #9: Flat Design

Some years ago, designers used to implement three dimensional designs for websites. But, now things have changed and use of 3D perceptions and shadows in website designing is less common. Instead, the latest trend is of creating flat design that focuses more on usability aspect of the website than anything else. One example is the Apple website which makes good use of flat design concept.

In flat design there is less emphasis on use of elements that provide a perception of 3-dimension (like shadows). The positive thing about flat design is that it is much easier to comprehend, the site loads quickly, and does not make use of too many complicated elements. Moreover, by adding few elements that provide depth, a creative agency can further enhance the flat design.

If you want to design or redesign your website to include elements of modern web design then we are the best web design agency to get in touch with. We have a team of experienced and trained web designers who have the competency to transform your website from ordinary to something special. Get in touch today to get the ball rolling!

Until next time..Stay Creative

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